Eight million pieces of plastic goes to our oceans every day. America alone contributes 38 million tons of it every year.
Working towards a more responsible lifestyle can help fight plastic pollution, and it starts with living plastic free.
Making the switch can be a challenge at first. However, there are plenty of small changes you can make that can have a big positive impact on our planet. Here are tips for you to start living with less plastic.
Learn more about it
The first step is getting educated on how to go plastic free. Learn which brands are the biggest plastic offenders and identify which the worst plastics are. For example, check the bottom of a plastic bottle. There’s a number between 1-7 stated there, with #’s 3, 6, and 7 being the most toxic plastics among them. You’ll often find them in squeeze bottles, plastic wraps, take out dishes and plastic cutlery.
Empowering yourself with knowledge leads you to become a more conscious buyer and a true ecowarrior. Moreover, you can start following inspiring individuals who have made it their mission to fight this good fight.
Change your grocery habits

How we consume is how we contribute to the problem. Living plastic free means making the necessary switches so we can lessen the harmful effects of what we buy. It starts with your grocery habits.
Make a list to understand how many reusable grocery bags you need to bring. Go for stores that sell unpacked goods and take only what you need. A trip to the farmers market not only encourages you to support local communities. Prices are also more affordable, and products are fresher. When buying meat, have it wrapped in paper instead. Don’t put produce in individual plastic bags. Furthermore, try your best to opt for glass bottles over cans and plastic.
Make a reusable cup your bag staple

Wherever you go, be sure you have a reusable cup with you. You can use it for your coffee, water or other beverages you could end up buying outside. There are plenty of reusable cups available everywhere. All it takes is to get used to bringing it with you.
Swap out household items

Living with less plastic also means making a change on how you store, handle and purchase your household items. Simple swaps like copper scrubber over plastic can make a huge difference. Using a bar soap instead of liquid is kinder to the environment. Swapping out cling wrap with beeswax wrap also prevents further plastic use.
Some reusable items may seem more expensive but in the long run, they last longer and are much better investments. Plus, you get to save the world, one switch at a time.
Get into growing your own

Being self-sustainable is an effective leap towards living plastic free. You can start small by growing your own herbs and vegetables. Basil, thyme and rosemary take kindly to apartment living. Converting your backyard to an edible garden is an exciting change too. Just make sure you have the right tools to maximize what you can grow and how to care for it.
Plastic pollution can singlehandedly ruin Earth’s chances of survival. It’s not only our lives that are on the line. Every living thing and the future of our species depend on the decisions we make now.