Using Sustainable Pet Supplies


    Join your pet pal in going green! Learn more about eco-friendly, sustainable pet supplies that can help reduce your dog’s carbon pawprint. You can protect the environment while keeping your dog happy and healthy with eco-friendly products. Using compostable poop bags, eco-friendly toys, and sustainable dog treats can help restore biodiversity.

    In this blog, we will discuss the need for sustainable pet goods for you and your fur baby. 

    Woof! Woof! Let’s get started!

    Why Choose Sustainable Pet Products

    To keep the environment safe.

    Dogs and people live in the same world and environment. You may lessen the adverse effects on the environment by using sustainable pet products. Pet toys made of organic cotton or recycled materials, for instance, can help lessen the amount of plastic trash that ends up in our oceans and landfills.

    To make sure your pet is well and happy.
    corgi dog running

    Natural, non-toxic materials and components are frequently used to make sustainable pet items and food. These products are safe for dogs to play with, sleep on, eat from, and gobble up. They don’t include any toxic substances, pesticides, or hazardous compounds that might endanger your dog’s health. 

    Utilizing environmentally friendly pet supplies and food can support the general wellbeing of your dogs and keep them strong and happy. WOOF! Pay attention—treats are the greatest part! 

    You may put treats inside a dog bone made of natural rubber. Just make sure that it is made of sustainable, eco-friendly materials to keep them safe. But of course, there are dogs that like to eat their snacks right out of the bag, so be it.

    Encourage responsible and ethical manufacturing.

    Environmentally and ethical manufacturing techniques are frequently used to create sustainable pet items. This indicates that the raw materials were obtained ethically, and the production processes didn’t hurt people or animals. Using environmentally friendly pet items will help businesses that value responsible business practices. 

    But this is the icky reality! Every single day, dogs poop. True, but gross. Utilizing sustainably produced and approved compostable dog poop bags is ideal because the rate at which we relieve ourselves isn’t going to slow down any time soon.

    Be a paw-sitive role model.
    dog owner buying toys

    Dogs are our caretaker and role model. They are a devoted companion. Set a good example for others—including other pet owners—about the value of environmental responsibility and sustainability by using sustainable pet products. 

    By supporting sustainable pet supplies, you are demonstrating your concern for the earth. And while we’re talking about how you take care of pets, there’s one more item that every dog owner should have. When your priceless paws become dry, chapped, or cracked, a healing balm is an organic product that comes to the rescue.


    Using environmentally friendly pet products is not only beneficial to animals but also good to our health and wellbeing. It supports ethical manufacturing, and sets a good example. In order to help our pets, let’s wag our tails for sustainability and make eco-friendly decisions!

    Would you like to learn more about sustainability? Check out our eco-friendly tips and guides on how to make earth-friendly choices to live better and consciously.

    Naturally, everything is done sustainably.

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Living a Minimalist Lifestyle


    Living a minimalist lifestyle is about focusing on the most important things and letting go of non-essentials. It is one of the eco-friendly lifestyles that you can start practicing at home. It’s more sustainable with less stuff, mess, and distraction.

    When you become a minimalist, you try to only buy or use products that serve a purpose. It’s like living a simple life and having only the things that you need in your daily life. With a minimalist mindset, you are aware and mindful of the things that can harm the environment. You invest in things that are useful and functional. You only keep items that you need and love. Thus, this type of thinking helps improve our lifestyle and creates less waste. 

    woman buying in the market

    In one way or another, minimalists are like conscious consumers. They are careful when buying items, making eco-friendly decisions or choices.

    Minimalist Lifestyle Tips

    donation clothes

    How do I start living a minimalist lifestyle? Here are some tips for living with less:

    1. Got some used clothes? You may sell them online or donate them to thrift stores. Just make sure that you give away old clothes that are still in good condition and not abused or overused.
    2. Don’t be a hoarder, dispose of broken items. You can recycle stuff or repair appliances, but make sure that they are worth keeping and will not pose a potential threat to you or to the environment.
    3. Declutter and give away duplicate items from your collection. Too much isn’t healthy. You need to have a convenient and comfortable space.
    4. Shop for high-quality items that you can use many times. You can save a lot of money if you buy products that are made to last. Remember to choose quality over quantity.
    5. Think before you buy. Ask yourself if you really need or love the item before buying it.
    6. Sell or give away furniture or household items that you don’t use or need anymore.
    7. Choose digital movies or books, and online transactions. It can help minimize the use of paper or print for tickets and receipts.
    8. Create more memories and experiences rather than buying material things. You can cut down on your expenses on gadgets, clothes, or unnecessary household items. Just spend your money on travel or weekend getaways with friends and family.

    How To Start Living With Less

    You don’t need to switch your lifestyle from the usual to minimalist in an instant. You can always start making small changes as long as you are consistent. See what works best for you or where you find comfort, then stick with it.

    So, do you have any other recommendations for a minimalist lifestyle? Are you looking for green products? Browse our website today for more eco-friendly tips on food, home, shopping, gardening, and lifestyle.

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How To Start A Self-Sufficient Lifestyle


    How to become more self-sufficient and adopt a sustainable living?

    Making a difference to better our planet doesn’t mean that you need to fully transform yourself into a different lifestyle. If you don’t feel happy with transitioning, simply committing to small changes still matter. 

    Consistency is the key to achieving a better planet. You need to keep yourself motivated and committed to make a positive impact on the environment. And if you’re planning your journey to sustainability, start with things that are doable and easy.

    Getting Started with Self-Sufficient Living

    Is it possible to live a more simple, self-sufficient life?

    Self-sufficient living is an eco-friendly lifestyle where you become more independent and able to provide for your own. It could be about growing your own food, taking care of animals or making your own stuff and clothing. By making things yourself, you can save money and reduce the need for packaging or distribution.

    A self-sufficient lifestyle can be difficult. It requires a lot of time and determination especially if you are starting out with your journey. You can focus on one thing and do it consistently. Remember, you don’t need to make it 100% self-sufficient unless you really want to. Starting with small things at home will eventually go a long run to better our planet.

    What does it mean to be self-sufficient?

    house with solar panel attached

    Being self-sufficient is one form of being independent. It is the ability to provide for essential things on your own or have the resources for your household without reliance from the outside. This discipline takes many forms. Being self-sufficient requires practices and systems so you can take care of your needs such as growing your own food, using solar or wind power for energy and making your clothes and tools.

    Is it possible to be fully self-sufficient?

    In reality, it is impossible to be totally self-sufficient. We need help from each other to survive in this world even for resources or essential needs. But, the desire to adopt sustainability and embrace self sufficiency can make a better change. Small things count and you can start a more self-sufficient lifestyle at home.

    Self-Sufficient Lifestyle Tips

    woman holding herbs

    There are so many ways to contribute to this practice. Becoming more self-sufficient shouldn’t be overwhelming and exhausting. Self-sufficiency is only the starting point for a simple and mindful lifestyle.

    From our previous blog, we discussed ethical shopping and the ways to become a conscious consumer. Now, we are giving some tips on how to start a self sufficient living:

    • Gardening Growing herbs, vegetables and fruits in the garden is not only fun, but also sustainable. You can harvest crops from your own garden.
    • Animal Farming – You can raise pigs, cows and chickens for your source of meat. Poultry and livestock farming can also be a profitable business.
    • Renewable Energy – Solar power is very popular nowadays. You can invest in solar, wind or hydro-powered equipment for a clean and renewable source of energy for your home.
    • Food Preservation – There are different methods of preserving food like freezing, canning and dehydration. These methods can increase food shelf-life and reduce food waste.
    • Sewing Your Own Clothes – We already know about sustainable fabric and the importance of knowing the materials used in our clothing. Aside from buying eco-friendly clothes, you can also make your own clothes at home. This will minimize the harmful effects of industrial production.

    Sustainable Home Design – You should consider the topography, temperature and other environmental factors when designing your home. It is important that your house design fits into location and environment.

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Tips to Be a More Conscious Consumer


    Ecofriendly lifestyle is more than just being environmentally friendly. It is about being mindful of your actions especially in making decisions – what will be their possible results to the environment and how it will affect us today and in the future. 

    Living an eco-friendly lifestyle helps save our planet earth. By promoting green living, we can save more energy, reduce air and water pollution as well as protect our natural resources and wildlife. So, if you want to start living an eco-friendly lifestyle, you can make it by being a more conscious consumer.

    What is Conscious Consumerism

    woman buying fruits in the market

    Conscious consumerism is about being aware of the possible outcomes of our purchases, so we make decisions that have a positive impact on the environment. It is also known as ethical consumerism to some people while others prefer to call it green consumerism. 

    Unlike eco shopping, conscious consumerism is more of a lifestyle. It is more than supporting eco-friendly products but more on promoting eco-conscious ideas and practicing sustainable shopping. You want to make sure that you purchase products that are good to our environment from production to waste. It’s a huge job, isn’t it?

    If you don’t feel comfy into transitioning or changing to a different lifestyle, taking small steps still makes a difference. If you can’t completely adopt the eco-friendly lifestyle, you can at least become a conscious buyer.

    How To Be a More Sustainable Shopper?

    eco friendly store

    Yes, living a conscious lifestyle takes a lot of effort. You are mindful of your purchases and look beyond your buying habits. You are thinking of how the products were made, who manufactured them and how they were shipped and distributed in the market.

    Conscious consumers do their research about the brand or manufacturing company of the products that they buy. This is to ensure that the product meets the ethical requirements and delivers its brand commitment and purpose.

    We have an extensive list of eco-friendly products at home. From food, clothing, appliances down to gardening supplies, we can contribute in helping save the earth by practicing conscious consumerism. 

    Below are some ways on how to become a conscious consumer:

    1. Buy only what you need. One of the most important values of being a conscious consumer is to only buy the things that you need. Do not practice careless purchases. By consuming less, you can help reduce waste and pollution.
    2. Shop from sustainable, ethical brands. Show support for companies and brands that are aligned with your values. 
    3. Support local shops and artisans. Buy from stores that make a positive impact in your local community. This includes charity shops, small local businesses and non-profit organizations.
    4. Prioritize those companies that have plastic-free packaging and shipping. They are focused on helping protect our environment by providing sustainable products and services.
    5. Buy from companies or brands who plant trees when you purchase from them.
    6. Shop for sustainable clothing made with eco-friendly materials.

    Start an eco-friendly lifestyle. Let’s educate ourselves on ways that make us better so we can live a better and healthier life. Be a conscious consumer and make the world a better place for all.

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Towards Sustainability: Tips to Create an Eco-Friendly Garden


    Nowadays, gardeners are realizing the value of backyard gardens that are not only attractive but also provide havens for wildlife. Not only that, but gardening also helps reduce the adverse impact of climate change. As environmental awareness becomes more profound, creating a sustainable garden is now on hype.

    This blog aims to educate readers with eco-friendly gardening techniques and principles, as well as to demonstrate the most efficient and cost-effective organic gardening methods available.

    So, grab your gardening tools now and start making a garden that is eco-friendly and sustainable:

    Soil Health Improvement

    The type of soil to be used for gardening is a crucial element to consider. Learn how to make compost and spread a thick layer of the organic waste or leaf mulch, over the soil for worms and other critters to consume. The soil structure will improve as a result, and nutrients will be delivered to the roots of the plants.

    Let The Lawn Grow on Itself

    Avoiding pristine lawns and letting them grow longer is one of the significant ways gardeners can establish a sustainable garden. Perfectly maintained lawns may become a thing of the past because of climate change, which may lead to water shortages and prolonged times of drought. It is also advisable to mow the lawn during summertime. You can also help reduce the carbon footprint by switching to electric mowers instead of using petrol to cut the lawn.

    Select Native Plants

    butterfly weed

    A naturalistic planting design that uses the proper native plants in the right spot saves both time and money. Having native plants and flowers in your garden help the insects for pollination, as well as other kinds of wildlife.

    Try Permaculture Gardening

    Permaculture gardening can be an effective daily practice to keep your outdoor patch in good shape. It will help attain a low-maintenance landscape, and you may already be doing it a lot.

    Permaculture gardening includes utilizing food waste to compost, replacing synthetic fertilizers that can be harmful to the environment, not using one-off plastic, reusing or recycling pots, and letting dead plants to become fertile mulch. 

    Start A Dry Garden To Save Water

    Whether you’re revising a border or remodeling an entire garden, planning a dry garden is a fantastic eco-friendly option.

    Dry gardens are planted with plants that grow well in dry and sunny conditions. It is ideal for fragrant herbs and woody trees that require little water to grow.’

    Prefer Natural Pest Control 

    Pesticides are known to be harmful to the various species that can be found in a garden. Thus, it is more advisable to utilize organic growing techniques.

    If you want to grow a sustainable garden, make sure not to depend on chemicals. Instead, choose to use a gentler way like using natural pest control and sustainable fertilizer.

    Collect Rainwater

    rain water

    Purchase a water bottle or use a large container to collect rainwater from your downpipes. It will help to start putting wet weather to good use for your sustainable garden. The collected water can then be utilized to water your plants, conserving water while providing your shrubs with the needed refreshment after a hot day.

    Let the Birds Feed

    birds on plants

    Hang a bird feeder from a tree or scatter bird seed on your lawn to invite your feathered friends.  There are many sites online showing inventive ways to make a bird feeder out of repurposed items like plastic bottles, glass jars, or scrap wood. While you’re at it, make some yummy bird goodies to hang in the garden.

    Start your Own Vegetable Garden 

    Isn’t it lovely and satisfying to watch your own garden with lots of vegetables and other plants? It’s time to reduce the food miles by growing your own harvest. You don’t have to tend a large area to start a vegetable garden. Not only will you have healthy foods on the table. But you can also help reduce carbon dioxide emission and wastage. It’s fun and rewarding, too!

    Sustainable Garden

    A sustainable garden may sound simple, but it can bring a lot of advantages to your family and the environment. With the tips mentioned above, you can start becoming more self-sustaining while creating a healthier and safer future to the next generation. 

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What You Should Know About Sustainable Fabrics and Eco Friendly Materials


    “Sustainable fabrics or eco-clothes are often made from organic or recycled materials. Using organic raw materials and the way these fabrics are produced determine how sustainable they are.”

    Style and fashion can mean a wide range of things, yet one way to ensure a more careful buying is to look for reasonably made pieces of clothing. With clothes and accessories producing at a profoundly sped up rate to fulfill the demand, textile manufacturers rely on engineered materials that are cheaper and easier to produce. However, most textiles require many years or more to biodegrade, and these materials make up 7.7% of the solid waste in every landfill. 

    With so many environmental problems going on these days such as climate change and plastic pollution, now is the best time to become more conscious, slow down and check our clothing labels too.

    Knowing Your Clothing Materials When Shopping

    denim jeans

    Be that as it may, how can we recognize which textures are eco friendly and which ones aren’t? There isn’t one “perfect fabric” to solve the issue. All new material needs resources for production. Keep in mind that while we love classic and handed down clothes, these can also add to the microplastics issue depending on their materials and how they are manufactured.

    “Think about these factors to assist you on the most educated and sustainable decision for closet and lifestyle.”

    First off, get to know the brands on your existing wardrobe! Check your favorite and most loved clothing. The clothes that you find best for you will change based on the quality and your necessity. For instance, you want to stay away from all items made from animals, so you choose plant-based textiles and reused fabricated materials.

    Maybe you just need to wear clothes that biodegrade, or perhaps your work requires something synthetic. Your choices can be changed as well if you have skin allergies to a particular fabric.

    One more factor to think about when shopping your clothes is the fabric’s lifespan. There are few fabrics that have a longer lifespan than others. You’ll need to think about these things to help you decide. You must come up with the most practical decision for sustainable clothes and lifestyle.

    What Makes Fabric Sustainable?

    “It all starts with choosing the right materials to help with sustainable fashion. As sustainability is our objective, and so are fabrics.”

    Sustainable fabrics aim to reduce the damage to the environment through materials and production processes. Although there isn’t any fabric that is completely sustainable, shopping for eco-clothes can help avert the harmful effect of waste, water shortage, carbon emission and others.

    Therefore, the term “sustainability” in fashion refers to the environmental impact of producing these fabrics as well as wearing, keeping and disposal of your clothes. Through responsible manufacturing and application of best practices in decreasing environmental impact, we can create a more positive and transparent fashion industry.

    Sustainable Fabrics and Materials

    linen fabric

    Below is a list of some of the most sustainable fabrics. For consumers, learn more about the ethics and certifications to consider when shopping to help you decide for the best option!

    • Hemp – Known as a cannabis plant, it is organic and doesn’t require certification. True hemp has many uses and makes a great fabric that is safe for skin.
    • Econyl – It is a recycled fiber and one of the most popular alternatives to nylon. 
    • Organic Cotton – It is a natural fiber produced without any toxic pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. 
    • Linen – It is made from fiber of flax plant, moth-resistant and biodegradable. Commonly used for beddings and home accessories.
    • Lyocell – It is a kind of rayon that consists of breathable cellulose fiber. It is made from dissolving pulp and usually an alternative for cotton or silk.

    Just remember that organic certifications can be expensive. If you are a business, farm, or processing facility, look for a reputable certification body that can help review and certify that your product is safe and organic.

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12 Small Changes for an Eco-friendly Home


    Do you know the main contributors to environmental pollution? They are CO2 emissions and single-use plastic. Although there are solutions to reduce the problem, such as using Energy star appliances and solar panels, not all households can afford them. The good thing is that you can always make little changes that create a huge impact in making your home eco-friendly.

    Help Save the Environment with these Simple Ways

    1. Wash Your Clothes in Cold Water

    washing clothes

    You can save up to 90% of energy when you choose to use cold water when washing clothes. It can also aid in reducing carbon dioxide emission and help protect the fabric from degrading and colors from fading. Unless you need to remove stubborn stains like oil and grease, you can have that washing machine in a cold-water setting. 

    2. If Possible, Skip Using the Dryer

    Outdoor drying clothes

    During sunny days, it is practical to line-dry your clothes instead of using the dryer. It is also helpful for clothes when they are dried in fresh air. Your beddings and clothes will also last longer if you prefer to hang them outside compared to spinning them in the dryer. You can either use a line-dry for your clothes or install a drying rack on the balcony.

    3. Prefer to DIY instead of Purchasing a New One

    Yes, your creativity can also be a way to save the environment. Your house and backyard can have a lot of stuff that can be recycled or upcycled. Nowadays, there are various DIY videos where you can learn how to create craft from used materials. This can also be a great time with your family to bond while happily turning something into a new and useful item.

    4. Switch to LED Bulbs

    LED bulb

    Make your home more sustainable by switching to energy-efficient tools and equipment. One of the most effective is using LED bulbs instead of the regular light bulbs. LED lights are the best option, no matter how appealing incandescent lamps appear. They are more durable, environmentally friendly, and help you save money over time.

    5. Use a Programmable Thermostat

    Go green with your HVAC system! Install a programmable thermostat to better monitor your cooling and heating systems. It can help you save money by reducing your utility bill and at the same time, making your home more environment friendly.

    6. Have a Compost Bin and a Recycling Bin

    woman using ecogardener compost bin

    It’s no doubt how important it is to segregate the waste at home properly. A compost bin will aid in the disposal of leftovers while also providing free fertilizer for your plants. Compost bins these days are made to be nice, tidy, and odorless and reduce household garbage.

    In addition, a recycle bin will help you become more conscious in recycling paper, glass bottles, jars, and other stuff that can be recycled.

    7. Plant Herbs

    indoor growing herbs

    When you already have a compost bin in your yard, the fertilizer can be used accordingly. You can start planting your own herb garden. They don’t require too much space, and it will be worth your effort. Using an herb kit can be a good start in a more sustainable and eco-friendly living.

    8. Beautify Your Home with Plants

    There’s no need for your home to be dull and boring when some indoor plants can make it beautiful and lively. They can also help in keeping your home fresh and clean. Indoor air cleaning with potted plants is effective and adds warmth to your home. Taking care of plants does require some effort, but it is well worth it.

    9. Buy Window Treatments

    Curtains and blinds are not only meant to keep nosy people away, but they also keep the heat and cool air outside. Even if you keep your windows shut, heat and cold air can still get in. Upgrade your blinds and curtains to keep the temperature while making your home more environment friendly.

    10. Be Smarter in Cooking and Preparing Meals

    There are various ways on how you can be smarter in the kitchen when it comes to using equipment, cooking, and meal preparation. For example, you can use a toaster instead of an oven that uses a huge amount of energy to heat up effectively. The toaster requires less energy and gets the job faster.

    11. Use Natural Cleaning Products

    Cleaning products that are made from natural ingredients are just as effective as those that are made from synthetic ingredients. The good thing about them is that they are safer to use because they do not contain harmful chemicals. You can also make your own cleaning products at home from items like baking soda, lemon juice, and vinegar.

    12. Invest on a Water Filter

    water filter

    Another way to make your home eco-friendlier is to use a water filter. It will help save money and time, as well as aid in cutting the amount of single-use plastic that is dumped in the landfills. 

    Are you ready to become more conscious of helping the environment? Start with these doable changes and you’ll be heading in a cleaner and more sustainable future.

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Gardening Tools Every Gardener Must Have


    With today’s growing trends of sustainability and eco-friendly measures, it is an exciting endeavor to help other people become inspired with gardening. Some of them may be hesitant to start a garden due to lack of knowledge. However, for those who believe that gardening is both fun and a significant activity, their passion will lead to a worthwhile gardening journey.

    Eco-friendly Garden Tools To Get You Started

    The following is a list of eco-friendly garden tools and items that should be included in a gardener’s toolkit.

    1. Jars, containers, and envelopes

    Keeping your seeds can be sometimes challenging. This is why it is helpful to have airtight containers, jars, and envelopes for your seeds.  Make sure to dry the seeds before putting them in the containers to prevent humidity and pests to affect their quality.

    2. Pots and seed trays

    herbs growing in pots and trays

    These are one of the most important items that you should have when starting or maintaining your garden. For various sizes of fruits, vegetables, and herbs, you may need seed trays and pots of different sizes. It will be great to choose pots and trays that are compostable and biodegradable. There are also some decorative pots, so you can add aesthetic value to your garden.

    3. Watering can and garden hose

    Your garden plants need sufficient watering, especially if you’re tending an outdoor garden. You’ll need a watering can or a garden hose. With these garden items, it will be more convenient for you to take good care of your plants.

    Watering can is perfect for your indoor garden while a garden hose is for outdoors. Make sure to consider quality, budget, and materials used before purchasing a hose or a watering can.

    4. Plant labels and tags

    herbs growing in pot with tags

    Another item that you should have in a gardening toolkit is a set of plant labels and tags. They are important because they will help you identify the seeds and the date when you sowed them. Tags or labels on plants will help gardeners to organize which ones are to be planted on smaller space or which ones will be ready for picking. Plant labels can be made from bamboo, copper, and wood which are more sustainable.

    5. Weeding fork and trowel
    Weeds can be irritating because your plants compete with them in getting the proper nutrients from the soil. Because of that, you will need tools to eliminate them. A weeding fork and trowel can help you with that.

    6. Pruning shears

    man cutting leaves using ecogardener pruning shears

    Pruning shears help in cutting off dead stems and flowers to maintain the plants. Aim to have good quality steel blades to ensure that they are rust-free and durable. Large pruning shears are perfect for trimming branches and hedges. On the other hand, a short pair of shears is ideal if you are growing small plants.

    7. Scissors

    When herbs and other plants start growing, they may also invade other corners of the garden bed. It is essential to use scissors when cutting the twines and plants to keep your garden clean and tidy.

    8. Bamboo or wooden stakes

    backyard garden using raised beds and wood stake

    Climbing plants or vine-like greens like beans and tomatoes need bamboo or wooden stakes. Some gardeners prefer to make wooden trellis to give the plants a better room to grow. You can even be more creative with plant stakes to make your garden more appealing.

    9. Sun and insect protection

    Gardening is indeed an enjoyable and fun activity. However, every gardener should be aware that they need to protect themselves from the harmful rays of the sun. When doing outdoor gardening, make sure to wear a wide-brimmed hat and natural sunscreen. Insect repellant is also needed to prevent insect bites and allergies.

    1.0 Natural twine

    When you’re using stakes and need to tie plants into them, use natural twines to lift them from the ground in a tidier way. Choose twine that are made from natural fibers, like hemp or jute. It will be better to avoid twine that are made from synthetic materials. Natural twine is also biodegradable so it won’t have adverse effects on the environment.

    11. Pitchfork and shovel

    Watering can and shovel at backyard garden

    Pitchforks and shovels must-tools of a gardener. They are essential in preparing the soil before planting. The shovel can be utilized to spread chicken manure, compost, hay, wood chips, and organic fertilizer.

    12. Certified Organic seeds

    Most gardeners love purchasing organic seeds from reliable nurseries. Always buy certified organic seeds since they are more sustainable and produced without using synthetic chemicals. 

    Using the Right Tools for Your Comfort and Safety

    Spending time in your garden does not only give you a satisfying feeling. It is also a way to give back to the environment. To make the most of your gardening journey, using the right tools and equipment is highly advisable. 

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5 Doable Ways To Create a Sustainable Work-From-Home-Experience


    With more and more people switching from office-based to work-from-home setup nowadays, sustainability and eco-friendly practices also come into focus. Working from home has become an opportunity to lessen the negative impact of commuting and energy usage to the environment. If you’re one of the workers who are now enjoying the perks of working in the comfort of your own abode, then the following tips will help you stay green and make life more sustainable.

    5 Tips for Eco-friendly Workplace

    1. Utilize natural light

    It is important to have a designated area for your home office. This is to ensure that you’ll be focused on your work and avoid noise and other disturbances. Choose a spot in your home where there is a lot of natural light. This way, you won’t need to use artificial lighting during the day. Natural light is also proven to enhance someone’s productivity level at work. Other studies also revealed that natural light can make you happier and healthier at work. It’s also relaxing to see the view outside when you position your desk next to the window.

    2. Prepare home-made meals.

    One of the perks of working from home is that you can enjoy the delicious taste of kitchen meals. You can now skip purchasing packaged snacks. Try to buy in bulk for more savings. Also, since you will now prepare homemade meals, you can lessen plastics and one-time use containers from eateries and food deliveries.

    You can also start planting some fresh ingredients for your foods. It’s always great to have a sandwich and other snacks flavored with freshly picked greens and veggies from your garden. It’s also a wonderful chance for you to spend more time with your loved ones while sharing stories over meals.

    3. Buy and use eco-friendly materials.

    home office with eco friendly furniture

    Did you know that an average office worker can produce almost two pounds of waste every single workday? That’s a huge amount in a month, right? Good thing that there are now various ways on how to improve work efficiency while reducing waste. Try to choose office supplies that are recyclable, biodegradable, and waste-free. Try reusing notebooks and other items instead of buying new ones. You can also save files in online storage to prevent having too many loads of hard copies. Always opt for sustainable materials whenever planning to add new supplies in your home office.

    4. Make sure to adopt energy-saving habits.

    woman using her laptop on the kitchen

    There are various ways on how you can save energy while working from home. Some of these include, but not limited to:

    • Switching off the lights when not needed.
      Putting your devices on “sleep mode” to avoid huge power drains.
      Turning off your computers, printers, monitors, speakers, and other devices when not in use.
      Adjusting your thermostat to save energy usage.

    5. Practice recycling and upcycling.

    Recycling and upcycling are both useful and creative ways to keep a sustainable living while working from home. Not only can you reduce waste and become eco-friendly, but you can also save some money and time by practicing these processes.

    Learn to recycle your paper. They can be turned into compost or can be turned into some other usable items. Use an outdoor compost bin for household waste.

    Upcycling, on the other hand, can be applied to various items in your home office, too. Just a bit of creativity and you’ll have new useful things to use. Cardboards and boxes can be turned into file containers, vases, and desktop displays. Your old shirts can be made into bags and pillowcases.

    Food packages can be turned into cute packaging and pouches. No need to buy new containers for your snacks and accessories; you can use the pouches instead.

    Final Thoughts

    Working from home contributes to reducing carbon footprint and other environmental concerns. You too can help in creating a more sustainable living while working in the comfort of your home.

    Choosing to use eco-friendly materials and creating habits towards sustainability can make a better and greener future. You can start now! Make earth-friendly choices through living, shopping, and learning.

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6 Eco-Friendly Ways To Organize Your Messy Pantry


    A messy pantry can be a pain to organize especially if you have a big household! While you can always buy plastic bins to stow away your kitchen essentials, that would mean spending more on organizers than you should.

    Thankfully, you can upcycle certain items in your home as pantry organizers. There are no downsides to upcycling – you’re giving unused items that would otherwise end up on landfills, a new lease on life. Are you ready to tidy up the pantry and squeezing more room for kitchen and home essentials? Here are eco-friendly tips for organizing the pantry:

    Use Old Boxes as Storage Bins

    Cardboard Box besides scissors and tape

    Why spend good money on plastic bins when cardboard boxes make a perfectly good alternative? Thick, sturdy cardboard boxes will last for years, and they’re great space savers too. You can use different cardboard boxes for storing and organizing your pantry items – shoe boxes, cereal boxes, soda boxes; you name it. Sure, cardboard boxes do not look as nice as plastic bins, but you can get creative with the boxes and make your pantry look neat and pretty. You can paint it, add labels, and cut the cardboard boxes to elevate the look of the space.

    Sauce Jars as Serving Glasses or Mugs

    Spices inside in recycled jars

    Do not throw the jars that sauces come in! These jars could be repurposed in so many ways. Just take the label off, save the cap, and use these as drinking glasses or flower vases. With the cap, you can reuse the glass jars for storing everything from grains to candies, nuts to beans. This tip applies to specific items sold in glass jars, like coffee creamer, instant coffee, pasta sauces, etc. The possibilities are endless.

    Wine Crates as Rolling Bins

    Wood wine craters

    Wine crates make the best storage bins, especially bulky, heavy pantry essentials that do not fit in your pantry shelves like cooking oil, syrup, sodas, juices, etc. You can use the wine crates as they are or get a little creative so they’ll look better in the pantry. You can paint the crates a nice muted color, attach caster wheels on each side, and voila, you have a rolling storage bin!

    Magazine Holders as Compact Organizers

    Got loads of magazine holders that you no longer use? Dust ‘em up, set them side by side on your pantry shelves, and turn them into storage for small items in the pantry – spice bottles, dried herbs, packets of nuts, eggs, etc. Instead of small items overtaking spaces on the shelves, they’ll be neatly stacked in the magazine holders. These magazine holders are big enough to hold bulky items too; we’re talking about water bottles, jars of sauces, condiment bottles, sauce packets, bags of seasonings, and so much more.

    Coffee Containers as Dried Goods Storage

    Coffee jar with dried lemons

    Coffee comes in these massive containers, and people just throw them away. Don’t! These coffee jars are made from durable plastic, and when reused, they will last for years. You can repurpose the coffee containers as storage for all sorts of pantry essentials, coffee pods, spice packets, seasoning baggies, etc. Use these to store dried foods like grains, nuts, etc. Really, you’ll never run out of things to use these coffee containers for. And if you don’t like how they look, get your craft paint and start painting and adding labels.

    Plastic Jugs as Plastic Bag Dispenser

    Do you reuse plastic bags? You should; plastic bags are some of the most common items that clog landfills. They end up in the sea where they destroy marine life too! If you’ve been collecting plastic bags for later use but hate how they’re all over the place, you can turn a water jug into a plastic bag dispenser. Just cut the bottom of the jug with a box cutter and mount it on a wall upside down. Remove the lid cover. Every time you unpack groceries, put the plastic bags into the container. Every time you need a plastic bag, you can simply pull the bottom of the water jug.

    Organizing your pantry doesn’t have to mean spending a small fortune on coordinated organizers. With these eco-friendly tips (and a little creativity!), you can tidy up even the most cluttered pantry and transform it into an organized space for your kitchen essentials.

    For more tips to help you make earth-friendly choices, check out our blog.

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