Camping the Eco-Friendly Way


    About 40 million go camping every year in the United States alone. Surely, the pandemic has dwindled down the numbers, making the great outdoors even more a luxury now for a lucky few. Despite the drastic decrease in campers, the urgency to preserve our environment must not be overlooked. We must continue to camp the eco-friendly way.

    Whether you’re off winter camping or planning for the next season, keep these green camping tips in mind.

    1. Camp within your area

    Mother with his son trekking

    If you’re fortunate enough to live in areas that are well integrated with hiking trails, parks and forests, it’s best to explore them first. Remember, being eco-friendly campers means being hyperaware of your carbon footprint. Exploring your areas first means you don’t have to drive too far, or perhaps even walk or bike towards your destinations.

    Connecting with your local park authorities could also help you get a better sense of where you can camp within your vicinity. Some private lands are also open to land-sharing opportunities.

    2. Bring your reusable items

    Woman drinking water with their tumbler

    It’s absolutely essential to bring just about every reusable item for your trip. Plastic is extremely toxic to Mother Earth. That’s why you must continuously be conscious on what you bring and leave out.

    Pack your beverage tumblers, cutlery and crockery. There are plenty of collapsible bowls and mugs available today that you can use too. If you’re camping with family, this is a great opportunity to teach them how to be responsible campers. Furthermore, they will grow up understanding the value of co-existing with nature instead of destroying it.

    3. Invest in ethical camping equipment

    Male and female carrying tent

    Along with your reusables, it’s best to invest on ethical equipment. A cheap tent may not be sustainable if you need to buy a new on every time. Sure, you may have to shell out some extra dollars. However, having the best possible brand that is both quality and conscious will last you a life time.

    A little research can go a long way. Find brands that have certifications like Fairtrade and Bluesign. Study how the products are made and what their current reputation is. For starters, Patagonia, Kathmandu, North Face and Vaude are among the top of the list.

    4. Think about the right time for camping

    Couple trekking with overview of the beach

    It’s often forgotten how important timing is when camping. For example, mating season for animals means you’re better of rescheduling. This allows for the natural order of things to continue and it shows respect to how other living things exist.

    Another is if it’s high season, it could be equally disruptive to Mother Nature. You may want to reconsider going for low-season, where there are fewer people and you can get a genuinely fun experience out of it.

    5. Leave no trace

    Easily the most important thing to remember when going on an eco-friendly camping trip is to leave nothing behind. Bring everything you brought back with you because the smallest trash can ruin nature’s balance. From the wildlife to the surroundings, leaving trash can ultimately mean damaging consequences.

    Bring your biodegradable trash bags and safely dispose your trash in correct areas. When you’re camping, make sure your rubbish is safe or secure so it won’t attract animals.

    Eco-friendly camping is more than just being equipped with the correct equipment. It’s about a deep sense of understanding and respect towards the environment; that every action we take is pivotal to our planet’s future.

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Simple Guide to Sustainable Self-Care


    Mental health issues are on an all-time high this past year. A recent poll reported that over half of American adults are experiencing negative impact on their well-being because of covid. 

    With the continuous crisis brought by the pandemic, self-care couldn’t be more essential. While our mission to save the planet shouldn’t stop, it’s also crucial to ensure that our mental wellness is an equal priority.

    Below is our simple guide to sustainable self-care.

    1. Power off

    Living room with turned off television

    Today’s news is more overwhelming than ever. Endless scrolling on our gadgets or constant gluing on our TV’s aren’t doing us any good either. On top of that, all that electrical use is killing the planet

    Switching your devices off means switching your mind off. Allow yourself the luxury of quiet time to shut the outside world out even just for an hour or two. Reach for that book you’ve been meaning to read. Take a walk and get some fresh air.

    Changing the way you relax not only enriches you mentally. It also gives Mother Earth a break too.

    2. Eat better

    Bunch of vegetables

    It’s easy to find comfort on greasy takeaways. However, that instant spike of endorphins isn’t exactly going to nourish your mind and spirit in the long run. In fact, it may lead you to feeling lower, even sick.

    Aim to eat more nutritiously. Sourcing produce from your local organic stores and farms provides many benefits beyond keeping you healthy. It gives a better chance for small businesses in your area to survive the pandemic. Furthermore, it also lessens the amount of carbon footprint needed just for you to eat.

    3. Develop a routine

    Woman doing yoga

    A routine encourages consistency. It also helps you look forward to things even if you’re staying home. Moreover, it keeps you away from poorer habits like excessive gadget use, impulsive food deliveries, and more.

    Create a daily schedule that will improve your mental health. This is a critical part of sustainable self-care because it keeps you on the right path. Allocate time for exercising, produce healthier meal plans so your trips to the groceries become quicker and more efficient. Include sun salutations in the morning so you can start your day brighter and lighter.

    Along with an established routine, open yourself up to new habits. Take up gardening and discover the joys of growing your own food. You can also start a journal to keep log on your thoughts and emotions.

    4. Indulge responsibly

    Eco-friendly beauty products salt and more

    Part of sustainable self-care is indulging in eco-friendly health and beauty products. There are countless cruelty-free products out there. It’s only a matter of choosing which ones can work best for you.

    If you’re also looking to eat out and indulge on a luxurious meal, remember to choose farm-to-table restaurants or places that source their ingredients responsibly. Of course, don’t forget to bring your reusable containers and cutlery, and your masks too.

    5. Start small

    It’s already a very challenging world out there right now. The best thing you can do for yourself is to take small steps steer clear from pressure. We are all doing what we can to get through the pandemic so don’t put the weight of having to do big things instantly.

    Start making small changes. Exert those small efforts to care for yourself on a daily basis. In due time, caring for yourself and the planet becomes part of your everyday life.

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Sustainability in the Time of Covid


    It’s close to a year now that we’ve had to make big changes in our lives, that one short trip to the grocery store requires plenty of precautions.

    The pandemic may have altered the world but it shouldn’t stop us from caring for it. If anything, we must remain even more dedicated to ensuring Earth has a future. Otherwise, millions face famine, disease and displacement in a decade.

    Sustainability during covid may be challenging but still possible. Here are ways to be and stay eco-friendly in the time of a pandemic.

    1. Keep composting

    Compost leaves and fruits

    Renewed lockdown rules across the globe has once again led people to turn to takeout. With food deliveries making their way to our kitchens more often, it’s even more crucial to keep composting. Here’s how you can do it better if you’re not living alone:

    • Stick to your food disposal routine and share it with your household. Visual cues can help.
    • Always segregate your food scraps and containers. Take the time to teach this if you’re staying home with family or friends.
    • Make your compost bin accessible to the kitchen. You want everyone to develop an easy habit out of it.

    2. Eat smart

    Stainless spoon

    If you must eat out, eat smart. Restaurants are doing their best to stay in business while ensuring it is safe to dine in their spaces. Your role as a diner goes beyond skipping dining in if you’re not feeling well, or wearing your mask as your server inches closer. It is also important to bring your own utensils and have your own container to put your leftovers or scraps for your pets.

    It also helps to be aware of how restaurants are sourcing their ingredients. Remember that just about every decision we make affects the future of our planet.

    3. Continue buying in bulk

    Woman buying fruits and vegetable in a local market

    One of the biggest pollutants killing our planet is plastic. Aiming for sustainability during covid means avoiding the use of single use as much as one can, if not totally. Considering the monumental adjustments against human interaction, this can get tricky.

    The good news is there are countless bulk aisles and sustainable stores everywhere to keep us on track. Continue to support those local businesses by making large orders of your staples so you don’t have to step out too often. Furthermore, the fewer trips your grocery deliveries have to make, the less carbon emissions Earth needs to suffer from.

    4. Invest on reusable masks

    Woman wearing reusable mask

    Here’s one terrifying estimate: If everyone in the UK wears a single-use face mask each day for a year, it will generate 66,000 tons of contaminated waste and 57,000 tons of plastic packaging. If the rest of the world does the same, the damage will be irreparable.

    Cloth fabrics are much more sustainable and are ideal for our everyday use. They are washable, and can be worn plenty more times than a single-use that is deadly to the planet. While you’re at it, keep in mind where you’re buying your reusable masks from. Aim for smaller businesses that are more mindful in their production. It is a no-brainer but an essential choice to make when staying sustainable during covid.

    5. Be inspired

    Now that we have more time at home, we must take this as an opportunity to stay informed and enriched. Be aware of what’s going on in the world, and how an eco-friendly lifestyle can keep us going. Find inspiration in people who are on the same path as you. This way, despite a pandemic challenging our lives everyday, we are fighting the good fight.

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On Becoming Eco-Friendly Pet Owners


    There are countless changes we can make to be more eco-conscious. Just as the decline of our planet becomes more aggressive every year, our efforts must double if we want to continue thriving.

    As pet owners, we also have a responsibility to be more mindful. Our furry friends are much like our children. We need to feed them, clothe them, care for them and be their loving companions. One thing’s for sure: every step we take makes an impact on our planet.

    Here are long-lasting ways to become sustainable pet owners.

    1. Adopt, don’t shop

    Every year, millions of dogs and cats are euthanized in the United States alone. This is tragic statistics that could easily be diminished should more animal lovers understand the need to adopt over breeding and buying.

    Adopting animals not only means you’re saving a life and getting a stray off the street. There’s no joy compared to giving them a second chance in life; a renewed perspective that they deserve every bit of happiness and healthy lives just as much as the next one. You’re also taking part in easing animal overpopulation. Furthermore, you are lowering the demands for breeders.

    2. Handle pet poop better

    Dog walking on the park

    Single use plastic is extremely toxic to the environment. This makes your regular poop bag yet another reason why nature is having a hard time bouncing back.

    Invest on biodegradable poop bags or eco-friendly cat litter. Water-soluble bags are available to so you can flush it down the toilet. There are plenty of stores that are more conscious and are with you in the fight to help Mother Earth. Take it a step further by putting your pet poop as part of your garden compost. However, remember that only use it for plants that you won’t eat, to ensure you’re not making yourself prone to zoonotic parasites.

    3. Get recycled or sustainably made toys

    Dog playing woods

    Of course, no playtime is complete with toys! Part of being sustainable pet owners is using eco-friendly toys. Luckily, there are so many options available online and in store.

    Avoid plastic ones. Go for pet toys that are made naturally, like from hemp or bamboo. You can also recycle old household items and turn them into custom toys your dogs and cats would love, like knotted old clothes or a DIY cat tree.

    4. Think about your pet’s food

    Rabbit eating vegetables

    Eco-friendly pet owners take to heart proper, conscious feeding every time. Pet food that takes up a lot of mileage, otherwise known as carbon footprint, isn’t top of mind. Moreover, those with byproducts of fish and meat aren’t always the best choice, considering the staggering amount of pollution these industries contribute.

    It’s always best to go down the route of making your own pet food, using vegetables and chicken over beef. Other by-products such as offal are also a better choice. If fish is a must, make sure that the ones you’re buying are from sustainably sourced brands. Furthermore, it’s also good to consider the food packaging your store-bought pet food comes in.

    5. Walk more, drive less

    Happy family doing some walking with their dog

    We all know how traveling can make such big negative impact on the environment. That’s why as pet lovers, we also must be more conscious on how we move around and understand how our fur babies can help us help Earth.

    You may not know it but your pets, particularly dogs, can definitely help you reduce your very own carbon footprint. Exercise time with your furry loved ones mean you get to spend more time walking, and less time driving.

    It’s essential for us to make necessary changes, not only for us but for the environment. Take these tips to heart and become truly eco-friendly pet owners.

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5 Things to Know Before Going Zero Waste


    Zero waste is all about setting a new standard of living to save the only planet we call home. With land, water and air pollution reaching alarming numbers, it’s not only important to consider changing our lifestyle. It’s critical that we do.

    There are a lot of misconceptions and pressure that come with making the switch. Zero waste to you may mean differently to the next person. We’re here to make your journey easier, and as effective as it can be.

    Here are things to know before going zero waste.

    1. Understand that zero waste is a privilege

    Just because you’re going zero waste, doesn’t mean you must shun those who haven’t. Keep in mind that not everyone has access to compost, let alone recycle areas. Not everyone has the money to shop at sustainable and natural stores. Furthermore, each person has different access to different resources. Consider the current pandemic as well, there are more people who are struggling now more than ever.

    There is no one-size-fits-all rule when shifting to zero waste. Understand that it is a privilege and if you are able to do it, then it’s an essential step to take.

    2. See what works for you

    Woman making sustainable bag

    It can be daunting at first. There are a handful of things to give up, better decisions to make and ultimately, a change that hopefully becomes permanent. That means giving up certain habits that you’ve known all your life.

    It may feel like a lot at first. That’s why it’s so important to remind yourself to take it slow and see what works for you. Tailor the zero waste lifestyle with your own, unique situation. Otherwise, it’s only going to be an excruciating chore that won’t stick.

    3. Be ready to do the work

    Preparing for what’s to come is another thing you need to know before going zero waste. This lifestyle is a commitment. Mother Earth doesn’t have the luxury of the time. In fact, our planet is a ticking time bomb. So be ready to do the work.

    Once you discover things and take different steps in this new journey of yours, you will realize how many habits you can easily break and make. Moreover, you’ll notice how things can get easier once you commit to it.

    4. Be open to mistakes and challenges

    Notebook with list

    Going zero waste doesn’t happen overnight. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re falling short or having a hard time adjusting. It will take time for you to get used to this change so forgive yourself when you falter at times.

    One thing we can suggest is to keep a log. Jot down the days as you progress and achieve your goals a day at the time. This way, you can easily see your strengths and areas of opportunity.

    5. Keep an open, learning mind

    You’re not alone in this journey. Remember that there are plenty of ecowarriors out there going on the same path as you. Whether reading their stories online or connecting with them directly, keep an open and learning mind. This is one of the most crucial things to know before going zero waste; that those who are already doing it can help you as you start your own journey.

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5 Simple Ways to Be Sustainable Parents


    Parenthood is one of life’s greatest joys. As we become more aware of the alarming ways we impact the planet negatively, it’s only essential that our sustainable lifestyle echoes in childcare.

    Becoming sustainable parents can be challenging. However, it is also very rewarding to go against the curve of fast consumerism and balance it with everything that comes with raising kids.

    The good news is you can achieve earth-friendly parenthood in simply yet effective ways. Here are tips to to be a more sustainable parent.

    1. Remember the 5 R’s of the zero waste movement

    For new parents who are only beginning their journey towards zero waste childcare, the core belief to remember are the 5 R’s:

    • Refuse
    • Reduce
    • Reuse
    • Rot (compost)
    • Recycle

    Between all the diapers, gifts, toys and food packaging, it won’t be an overnight change. However, keeping these R’s in mind will help you stay in the right direction. For example, don’t be afraid to refuse gifts for your children. Reduce the amount of baby products you’re using. Invest on reusable diapers and long-lasting toys. Place all those veggie scraps from your homemade baby recipes into your compost bin.

    2. Go for hand-me-downs and pre-loved items

    Couple selecting clothes for baby

    Part of being sustainable parents is committing to the idea that you don’t need to buy new things all the time. Baby clothes are among the biggest contributor to fast fashion pollution. Going to thrift shops and local clothes swaps will lead you to baby clothes that are not only more earth-friendly but can also be equally endearing.

    Don’t hesitate to accept pre-loved clothes, toys and other baby care products from your family and friends. This cycle of maximizing what is available without doing more damage is exactly the mentality earth-friendly parenthood is all about.

    3. Make your own baby food

    Dad giving food to his daughter

    There’s a ton of waste generated from food packaging, baby food included. Often, they come in plastic pouches, which take forever to never to decompose. Our advice? Learn to make your own baby food.

    Find the best vegetables and fruits you can get your hands on from a local market or zero waste grocery. Blend into purees or soups. Not only are you cutting down on your waste. You also know exactly what can be found in your baby’s food.

    4. Make children’s parties more eco-friendly

    Children comfortably eating with their fingers

    A lot of Earth-killing products can be found in parties. From disposable cutlery to bags used for take-home goodies. The trick is to organize parties that are both fun and eco-friendly.

    Think of food that children can comfortably eat with their fingers instead. If you want something for them to take home, opt for a book or fresh fruit instead of a bag of plastic-wrapped candies.

    5. Be an example of sustainable living

    Mother and father playing wooden blocks with their daughter

    This practice of being sustainable parents will only take on its highest meaning if you can teach your children to live sustainably too. Let them learn from you. Show them that it’s not a chore to choose Mother Earth’s survival. Allow them to participate and get involved in various activities and learnings that will awaken the ecowarrior in them.

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5 Easy Eco-Friendly New Year’s Resolutions


    This year has been strenuous, to say the least. The global pandemic has overwhelmed us in indescribable ways. That’s why we can’t help but wish the year 2021 would come sooner, with the hopes of becoming a much better time for all of us.

    The new year isn’t just a reminder of new beginnings. It’s also a room for new habits. At the rate our planet is going, the next few years will be a challenge, but every bit of help counts. Here are easy eco-friendly new year’s resolutions to save Mother Earth.

    1. Live by your reusable items

    Eco Bags

    From your shopping bags to water bottles, there are countless reusable options available everywhere. Use them every chance you get. Studies show eight million metric tons of plastic end up in our oceans each year. Plus, it takes 400 years for waste to decompose in a landfill. So always opt for better choices wherever you go.

    2. Reject fast fashion

    Insanely cheap clothing often sounds too good to be true because they are. In fact, fashion is the second most polluting industry in the world. What happens is perfectly healthy soil is ravaged and turned into millions of cotton acres, wherein the precious ground water source is also depleted. Furthermore, cheap clothing is rich in toxic fabric and burns off far too much fossil fuels in the process. Let’s not forget about countless underpaid, unprotected and often overworked factory workers.

    Forget about fast fashion. Choose clothes from sustainable and conscious brands. Invest on good quality that will last you a lifetime. You can even shop second hand and appreciate preloved yet very fashionable choices.

    3. Support your local businesses

    Local vegetables and fruits market

    Just the sheer amount of carbon emissions from transporting goods from point A to point B is enough to devastate the environment. Plus, many of these manufactured and farmed items are buffered with chemicals, both of which are harmful to you and Mother Earth.

    Another easy eco-friendly new year’s resolution is to shop local. Not only are you supporting your community’s farmers, sellers and makers. You’re also doing your part to save the environment.

    4. Skip the meat as often as you can


    We understand that it can be tough to make the absolute switch to veganism. However, the air, land and water pollution caused by farming is wreaking havoc. The first step is to reduce your meat intake, choose where you buy and opt for plant-based options.

    There’s no shortage of non-meat but equally delicious good brands out there. Moreover, there are farms who carefully and mindfully raise their animals to lessen emissions and do their part for the planet. Make the better choice and invest your money on responsible businesses. What’s more, you’re putting the right, nutritious food in your body to sustain your well-being. Try a “meat free Monday” for starters!

    5. Learn more about saving the planet

    Perhaps the most important eco-friendly new year’s resolution you can make is to continue learning. There are so many small steps you can take to ensure our planet has a second shot. There are also plenty of conservation projects you can get involved in. It’s no longer enough to simply be aware. Taking action is what makes a difference.

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Creating a Green and Sustainable Home Office


    The pandemic has undeniably changed everything, including how we work. As cases rise and months of on-and-off lockdowns unfold, it’s clear that remote work is here to stay. With that, we must adjust and adapt in the best, most conscious way possible.

    Keep going green

    Despite the changes caused by the pandemic, another truth remains: Our planet still needs us to be as responsible, guarded and caring. Just because you are working from home doesn’t mean you must forget about being environmentally mindful.

    Today, we’re going to let you in on how you can create a green and sustainable home office. Whether it’s to lessen your energy consumption or clean the air around you, here are tips to get you started.

    1. Identify your needs

    computer desktop

    In order to find out the best position, tools and items as well as the amount of energy you’ll need to consume, it’s important to ask yourself a few questions.

    • How big a space would you need?
    • Would you need a laptop and a desk or more?
    • Where do you plan to position your home office in?
    • Would you be in frequent communication with others?

    Once you have identified your major needs, it would be easier to understand what you must have in your home office. This way, you always make conscious decisions and responsible choices once you start dressing yourself and your area up.

    2. Eliminate waste

    Whiteboard and pen

    Creating a green home office may seem daunting at first. However, it’s about practicing good habits that essentially become second nature, like eliminating office waste. This is finally the time that you can embark on your zero waste journey.

    Here are a pivotal switches you should do:

    • Ditch the post-its and printouts and stick to digital filing or white board writing
    • Switch paper towels and use reusable rags
    • Use a French press or reusable mesh instead of coffee filters
    • Stick to your reusable tumbler instead of disposable cups
    • Go for bulk-bought snacks instead of single-packaged food
    • Keep in mind composting and segregating

    3. Be on top of your energy consumption

    LED bulb

    From computers and printers to lights and other devices, there’s a lot of energy consumed at home. If you want to create a sustainable home office, you want to be more conscious on how you can conserve power.

    Consider the following tips to lower your electrical bill:

    • Utilize only LED bulbs or solar lighting
    • Position your home office near natural light and window for fresh air
    • Turn off your devices when not in use
    • Make sure your appliances are energy-saving certified
    • If you can, make the switch from desktop to laptop to save more energy

    4. Surround yourself with plants

    Home office surrounded with green plants

    Plants provide cleaner air, more oxygen and ultimately, boost your mental health. They work wonders in a home office as they essentially improve your overall quality of life. So make your home office as green as it can be by making them your officemates.

    If you don’t have enough natural light in your home office, stick to these plants:

    • Snake Plant
    • English Ivy
    • Zebra Plant
    • Staghorn Fern
    • Echeveria

    If your home office receives ample amount of natural light, these plants will be a joy to work with:

    • Fiddle Leaf Fig
    • String of Pearls
    • Living Stone
    • Rubber Plant

    5. Support the right brands

    If you’re looking to purchase necessary items for your sustainable home office, support only the right brands. Study their advocacy, research about their efforts and initiatives and dig into their labor practices. This way, you can be certain you are investing on brands you share the same mission with.

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Your Guide to a Zero Waste Kitchen


    Going zero waste seems like an impossible feat at first. However, equipping yourself with knowledge and the right tools can be ultimately life-changing, and Earth-loving.

    One of the best places to start living a more sustainable lifestyle is in the kitchen. It’s arguably the biggest source of rubbish at home, from food packaging to leftovers. That’s why aiming for a zero waste kitchen is a big step towards becoming a true eco warrior.

    Here are things you can do to make your kitchen waste free.

    1. Always have a plan

    Grocery list

    Going to the grocery without a list or a meal plan can lead to excessive shopping. You’ll often end up with too much food wasted or spoiled by the end of the week. Worse, there will be even more food packaging tossed to myriads of landfills across the country.

    Set goals and make lists before you buy anything. Create a meal plan each week to help you figure out what you want to get from the store, and how much of it you would need. Check your pantry before going to the grocery so you don’t keep getting the same thing you have plenty of stock of. This way, you are only taking what you need and steering clear from wastage.

    2. Bring your reusable bags and containers

    Reusable bag and containers with fruits

    We all know plastic is one of the worst pollutants. That’s why you should never leave home without a reusable bag.

    Once you figure out what you need, it becomes easier to organize the bags and containers you’ll bring with you. Metal containers or tiffins work great for buying meat and seafood. Alternatively, you can ask the butcher to wrap them in kraft-style paper. Glass jars are fantastic for seeds, flour, honey, and the like. The rest, you can all toss into your hardy reusable bags or paper bags.

    3. Buy in bulk

    Mother and daughter buying  bulk of fruits

    Bulk stores have risen to popularity, and for good reason. It opens us up to smarter buying, and frees us from food packaging that contribute to our battle against trash pollution.

    Make the most of these bulk stores or hit the bulk aisle instead of buying food wrapped individually. Not only are they a big plus to a zero waste kitchen. They’re also surprisingly zen and much more calming to shop from.

    4. Make the necessary switches

    Three color grey towel

    Take a look at your kitchen and you’ll quickly realize how much of what you’re using contributes to our planet’s alarming state. It’s time to make the necessary switch and dress up your kitchen with the most ethical items.

    • Ditch the paper towels and start using cloths.
    • Switch out your plastic containers with reusable glass ones.
    • Use beeswax wrap or plates to cover food in your refrigerator instead of cling wrap. Eco-friendly biodegradable pods are much better than toxic detergent.
    • Go for refillable glass bottles instead of using plastic bottle cleaners.
    • Reusable metal straws are much kinder to the environment than plastic straws.
    • Forget about the coffee filters already and opt for a French press.

    5. Be in the know

    From supporting the right brands to staying updated, learning more about how you can truly live a zero waste life keeps you and your efforts in check. Moreover, sharing this knowledge with others can help inspire them to make the change too.

    Keep these tips in mind as you make your way towards a zero waste kitchen. Remember to take it a step at a time and allow yourself to slowly but surely progress and fully embrace a more conscious way of living.

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A Guide to an Eco-Friendly Christmas


    The holidays are a time of gift-giving and food-feasting. While it isthe most wonderful time of the year, it can’t be denied that the Christmas season also embodies consumerism. Everything feels like excess, which often leads to a wasteful impact.

    This season doesn’t have to hurt Mother Earth. Here’s a guide on how you can have an eco-friendly Christmas with your loved ones.

    Shop with your reusable bags

    Mother and daughter buying fruits with their eco bag

    More and more shops have encouraged customers to bring their own shopping bags. Be one with the cause by taking your reusable bags with you everywhere you go. It saves you from using unnecessary plastic packaging. While you’re at it, bring along your reusable beverage tumbler too.

    Support conscious brands

    Reusable bags

    The climate crisis has created a big shift on how people consume and buy. We still have a long way to go. Fortunately, there’s been an increase in brands that are more conscious about production, manufacturing and packaging.

    Another step towards an eco-friendly Christmas is to shop from these brands. Go for those that don’t utilize animal testing, toxic packaging, and the like. Better yet, get in with local businesses that practice good green habits. Moreover, supporting those from your area means less carbon footprint.

    Adorn your home with sustainable décor

    LEG Lights

    Making the switch to LED lights helps conserve energy. You can also use solar-powered Christmas lights if you want to take it a step further. Foraging for pinecones and other natural decorations you could find during a nature walkabout also prevents you from buying Earth-destructive décor.

    People selecting real christmas tree

    Choose a real Christmas tree

    Others will contest that going for an artificial tree is more environmental-friendly. However, experts over at The Carbon Trust explains that a real Christmas tree possess significantly lower carbon footprint, provided they are disposed of properly afterwards.

    A 2m tree that has roots can be burned as bonfire after, chipped into pieces or even planted again after the holidays. This way, you are giving back what you have taken.

    Mind your wrapping

    eco friendly gift wrap carton

    Another way to have enjoy eco-friendly holidays is to be very mindful about wrapping gifts. Don’t buy from the stores. Instead, get creative and resourceful by reusing old magazine pages, newspapers, or other recycled paper you have. You can also use fabric scarves, brown paper or even previous wrappers you’ve used or received gifts in before.

    Watch what you eat

    It’s no secret: One of the biggest contributors to our dying planet is the way we consume food. Making small changes during the holidays doesn’t only reduce environmental impact. It also encourages better and healthier eating.

    Eat less meat and source your ingredients carefully. Head to the farmers’ market instead of the grocery, so there is least amount of harmful packaging. Substitute a few meaty staples with vegetables instead. There are plenty of tasty recipes available online that won’t make the rest of your spread bland and boring. If you have any leftovers, remake it as a meal for the next few days or donate it to the needy.

    Let the spirit of giving during this season extend to Mother Nature. Keep this guide in mind so you can always have the greenest Christmas possible.

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